History - Heritage - Hiking
Depuis 40 ans que j’habite Amboise, je me dis tous les jours que j’ai de la chance d’habiter cette petite ville, d’arpenter ses rues, de voir le château comme un personnage familier et de me promener sur les bords de la Loire en toute saison.
Since 40 years that I live in Amboise, I told myself everyday that I am lucky to live this little city, to walk through the streets, to see the castle like a familiar figure and to be able to walk along the river all year long. So why not to share this pleasure ? Why not taking visitors to discover famous places and go behing the scenes to see what surprises Amboise has to reveal. If like to discover a city walking the come and follow me ! I can also do the comments in spanish.
History - Heritage • Nature - Hiking
Spoken languages
French • Spanish